Saturday, August 23, 2008

DIBELS testing

We will be taking the DIBELS reading assessment on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Remember to get plenty of rest the night before and eat a good breakfast each morning.

Spelling Words, Vocabulary Words, and High-Frequency Words for Week of Aug. 25-29

Spelling Words: it, bit, pit, sit, hit (remember to practice reading and spelling these words each night)

High-Frequency Words: a, have, find, one, who, to

Vocabulary Words: tiger, monkey, crocodile, flamingo, elephant, bear, spider, snake (words in Big Book, Charles Tiger); find, farm, one, feed have carrot

Remember to take a few minutes each night to practice reading these words with your child.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Homework and Words for this week

Homework for each night this week is:
Monday - Read the story in folder.
Tuesday - Complete math sheet in folder.
Wednesday - Read the story in folder.
Thursday - Read the story in folder. Write spelling words 2 times each.

Word Station Words - an, can, man, fan, pan - will take spelling test over these words on Friday

High-Frequency Words - we, jump, here, and, too, not

Vocabulary Words - perfect, whole, world, someone, lonely, family, fuss, jump, draw, write, read, not, go

GRADE Assessment

We will begin taking the GRADE reading assessment on Tuesday this week. Please see that your child goes to bed early and is well rested. Also eating a good breakfast will help your child be alert and ready to do his/her best.

Thank you!!!!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Reminders about PE

Students are asked to wear tennis shoes on days that PE is scheduled. Check out the Specials Schedule for times.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Vocabulary, Short a, and High-Frequency Words

This week we will begin reading, spelling, and discussing the meaning of the following words. Please take a few minutes each night to help your child study these words.

Short a Spelling Words: mat, cat, sat, that, chat

High-Frequency Words: go, on, the

Vocabulary Words: teacher, school, hamster, write, paint, cow, goat, dog


We will be taking the GMADE assessment on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings. Please see that your child gets to bed early the night before and eats a good breakfast each of these mornings. Thank you!!!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Special Classes Schedule

We have the following special classes on these days.

Monday - Art 10:15-11:00; PE 12:06-12:46
Tuesday - Library 12:06-12:46
Wednesday - Music 12:06-12:46
Thursday - PE 12:06-12:46
Friday - Music (First 9 weeks) 11:40-12:09

We go to lunch each day from 11:15-11:40.

Scholastic Book Order

Your child received a Scholastic Books order form today. Please take the time to sit down with your child and help him/her choose a total value of $4.00 in books. Be sure and mark these with the letter "F" on the order form. This is purchased with the Reading First Grant money. If you would like to purchase additional books for your child, please mark these and send a check made to Scholastic Book Clubs. This is due by Friday, August 8.

Thank you!!!