Sunday, October 26, 2008


No school on Monday, Nov. 3, and Tuesday, Nov. 4. Enjoy your long weekend!!!!!!

Halloween Party

We will have a Halloween Party on Friday, 10-31-08, from 12:00-12:40 pm. Since we get back from lunch at 11:40, the students won't be very hungry; therefore, I only listed things like cookies, chips, dip, candy, and drinks. If these things aren't eaten, they can easily be sent home with students. Please send any of the items listed if you want to send something for the party.

New Words for Week

Spelling words: on, hot, box, got, not, top, pond, doll

Vocabulary words: breaks, hatches, sown, brewed, grew, families, snap, garden, food, picnic, ball

High-frequency words: children, come, family, father, love, mother, people, picture, your

Homework for Oct. 27-31

Monday - Read story in folder. Complete reading sheet.
Tuesday - Read library book with child. Complete math sheet in folder.
Wednesday - Read story in folder. Complete reading sheet in folder.
Thursday - Read story in folder. Write spelling words two times each.
Friday - No Homework

Monday, October 20, 2008


Monday - Read story in folder. Complete reading sheet.
Tuesday - Read library book. Complete math sheet.
Wednesday - Read story in folder. Complete reading sheet.
Thursday - Read story in folder. Write spelling words two times each.


Don't forget School Pictures are due Thursday, Oct. 23. Fall Festival will be from 4:30-7:30 pm on Friday, Oct. 24. Remember we need toys and cleaning supplies sent by Wednesday if you would like to donate any for our toy walk or cleaning supply basket. Ident-a-Kid will be Wed., Oct. 29.