Sunday, January 25, 2009

Words for Week

Spelling Words: day, say, may, stay, play, way, away, holiday

High-frequency Words: been, goes, evening, far, hungry, near, forest, soon

Vocabulary Words: boa, caterpillar, eyed, eyes, iguana, katydid, macaw, moves, poisonous, tongue, toucan

Homework for Week of Jan.26-30

Monday - Read story in folder. Complete reading sheet.
Tuesday - Read story or library book in folder. Complete math sheet.
Wednesday - Read story in folder. Complete reading sheet.
Thursday - Read story in folder. Write spelling words two times each.
Friday - No Homework

NOTE: Practice spelling, high-frequency, and vocabulary words a few minutes each night.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Beginning the Second Semester of the School Year

I hope everyone had a terrific Christmas break!!!! I know I did!!!! Now we need to be ready to get back to work and study very hard at home and at school to ensure your child is performing at grade level by the end of this school year. I am excited about having a very rewarding remainder of this year and seeing each of my students excel in their work!!!!

Words for Week of Jan. 5, 2009

Since we missed two days before Christmas break and then the last day we did not do reading, the words for this week are the same as the words we were studying the last week before Christmas break!!!!

Spelling Words: five, ride, nine, like, kite, time, prize, smile

High-frequency words: give. little, fly, good, try, our, her, was

Vocabulary words: anywhere, beautiful, convinced, easy, news, perfect, raining, weather

Please take 5-10 minutes each night to read and practice these words with your child.